Dev blog #2 (10-8-2022) - Changes, Fixes & Extra


Second update is here ^^

This time, some stuff broke while inplanting, but toke my chances and added, along the fix, a fun little extra

Anyway, stuff should be fine now.

See the notes down here. Enjoy!! ^^



  • Overall difficulty of the game has been increased
  • Implanted a triple shot enemy (also known as W-guy): Killing them rewards you 30 points, instead of the regular 10.
  • Increased the overal spawn rate of enemies

Note: As there are 1-2 more planned enemy types, the increased spawnrate might get reversed, but please let me know what you think in the meantime!

Pool / Question:
Would it be interesting to have W-guy take 2 hits before dying? 

I have been considering this, since even before the ''W'' happened.

it is likely that i will add a seprate enemy type, in the future, that would require multiple hits to die, but would it be interesting to have this guy take a few as well?


  • Size of the player collider has been reduced significantly
  • Stopped deadshots from occuring entirely
  • Friendly-fire among enemies is a thing of the past, now: Git gud.


So, i broke the firing system while develeping this patch (thanks, Unity): This was fixed before the Itch upload.
But not after the necessary amount of facedesking. (Once again, sarcasm-credits go to Unity...)

However bullets now come in different colors, brightening up the game quite a bit!


WebGL Playable Build Play in browser
Aug 10, 2022

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